Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 1 - Great Start

The trio had a great breakfast this morning and then got right to business.  Looks like they all had their last shower and their last good meal for a few weeks.

So If you haven't visited the SPOT link yet check it out is highly addictive.  I have the link on my phone and on my computer. Once they start moving I'm glued.  Also Bobby said that the itinerary that we posted last year will be the same for this year.  Its very interesting with a lot of information on it.

So the crew boarded the air taxi and flew out to Kahiltna glacier where they will prepare base camp at 7200 feet.  Currently it is 6:30pm AKDT / 1030 EDT and according to Bobby, it is unusually warm there so they will be climbing at night.  The team will gear up at 1am AKDT and will climb up to 7800 feet.  This first climb to CAMP 1 is near the junction with the NE Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier. This is a moderate climb of about 4.5 miles.  It will show the team what they are going to be up against in the days and weeks ahead.

The weather looks great for our climbers and also the stats for climbers that are reaching the summit are at a high of 79%.  I was checking out stats from last year and only 41% of climbers reached the summit.  Then I found some more stats and the last time that 79% of climbers reached the summit was back in 1977.  That year only 360 climbers attempted it.  Currently there are 280 climbers on the mountain.

Denali Weather Report for Monday / Tuesday

Check out the weather FROM 1 YEAR AGO.....its so different.  

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